FAB – Food Activity and Behaviour

Obesity in children is a major public health issue. Early childhood is a pivotal time when long-term habits are established (diet and physical activity).  Early interventions that help families find their way to a healthier  lifestyle are urgently needed.

Planet Munch integrates NICE guidelines for prevention & management of obesity in preschool children (in one single comprehensive programme). 

Planet Munch sessions are delivered as a collaboration between Trim Tots CIC & community delivery partners in a range of family friendly spaces including; gyms, hospitals, schools, family health & community centres. 

Families, with at least one preschool child and their parent or usual carer, attend 24 weekly sessions lasting two hours. Each session includes activities that are effective in engaging this age group including; nutrition-themed art and craft, interactive music and movement, imaginary play, physical activity, healthy snack time and practical adult sessions designed to equip participants’ with the knowledge and tools for a healthier future.

“Trim Tots was very interactive, both the parents and the children can enjoy and maintain a healthy lifestyle.